Justin Wonnacott RCA
89 Stirling Avenue
Ottawa Ontario
Canada K1Y 1P9
613 725 2680

Solo exhibitions
2010 – (Scheduled) Carleton University Art Gallery “I remember + I forget”  curator’s invitation
2009 – Bytown Museum Ottawa “Justin Wonnacott, Somerset”  curator’s invitation
2005 –Toxic Gallery Ottawa, Oct “Justin Wonnacott,  new work and eye candy”  selected by the gallery
1992    St Lawrence College, Kingston Ontario, through the Art Gallery of Ontario "Artists with their Work" programme.,  selected by the gallery " From... where I am standing".
1992 Photographers Gallery,  Saskatoon , Saskatchewan. Jury selection
1991    Margaret Cameron Gallery, Ottawa, selected by the gallery
1990    Photographs by Justin Wonnacott, Presented by Margaret Cameron, artist’s representative. Ottawa Ontario. (November). selected by the gallery ,
1990    KUPRAC Community gallery, Berlin, BRD. selected by the gallery,
1989   SAW  Gallery, Ottawa. An exhibition covering 15 years of work curated  by Clive Robertson. Titled " Telling pictures... Students, Thieves, Voyeurs “, Jury selection
1987  The Floating Gallery, Winnipeg, " Next to the Cash ..."., Jury selection,
1987 The Photography Gallery, Toronto Photographer's Workshop, " Next to the Cash ...". Jury selection,
1987 SAW Gallery, Ottawa, " Next to the Cash ...". Jury selection
1986  The Photography Gallery, Toronto Photographer's Workshop, Toronto, " Keep this place ". Jury selection
1986 The Photographers Gallery, Saskatoon, "Keep this place " Jury selection
1985   The Floating Gallery, Winnipeg, " Keep this place ". Jury selection
1984    SAW Gallery at the Lafayette Hotel, " Public house ...   pictures from the Lafayette " invitation from the owner,
1984 Latitude 53, Edmonton, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott " Jury selection
1983  SAW Gallery, Ottawa, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott " Jury selection
1982  Gallery 101, Ottawa, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott " Jury selection,
1982 KAAI, Kingston Ontario, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott", Jury selection
1981 Splash Gallery, Ottawa, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott ", selected by the gallery, 
1981Splash Gallery, Ottawa, " Daguerreotypes by Justin Wonnacott ", selected by the gallery

1979    Photographers Gallery, Saskatoon, (workshop space), selected by the gallery "  Daguerreotypes by Justin Wonnacott ",
1977    Between Spaces Gallery, Ottawa, " Photographs by Justin Wonnacott ", selected by the gallery,
1977    Between Spaces Gallery , Ottawa, " Black and white photographs by Justin Wonnacott " selected by the gallery
Two person Exhibitions
1999 “Conjoint/conjointe”, Karsh- Masson Gallery, Ottawa, Jury selection

Selected Group Exhibits
2009 –  “Back Burner” - Patrick Gordon , Ottawa
2009 – The Collection’s Cabinet - City of Ottawa Fine Art Collection, City Hall Art Gallery, Ottawa
2009 – RCA new members , Calgary Art Central, Calgary–
2008 – Evidence – The Ottawa city project, Ottawa Art Gallery.
2006 – The Street  CMCP, Ottawa Robert Frank, Tom Gibson, Dave Heath, Michael Schreier, Robert Walker, Justin Wonnacott
2006 – “Le sujet construit” Axe Neo7. Gatineau Quebec. Catherine Poncin (France), Claudia Liekam (Germany), Lorraine Gilbert and Justin Wonnacott (Canada)
2005 – Toxic Gallery, First Anniversary exhibition. Justin Wonnacott,  Lorraine Gilbert, Michael Schreier, Vera Greenwood and Cheryl Pagurek.
2005Inside Look, Karsh-Masson gallery, Ottawa  -  selected by the curator.
2004 – The local scene – acquisitions,  City of Ottawa Gallery, Jury selection of the purchased work  
2003 – The Bigger Picture – Portraits from Ottawa,  Ottawa Art Gallery. selected by the curator  2003 – new acquisitions Ottawa Municipal art collection
2002 – Excursions, Gallery TPW, Toronto,
2002 “Roundabout’ Harbourfront Gallery 235 Queen’s Quay Toronto selected by David Hlynsky,
2002 Recent Acquisitions, City of Ottawa, City Hall, Jury selection of the purchased work
2001  Ottawa School of Art, unjuried
1999 Ottawa School of Art, unjuried
1997 Ottawa School of Art, unjuried  ,
1997 Karsh Masson Gallery,
1997 “Manoeuvres”, Ottawa Art Gallery, selected by the curator
1996 The TPW Collection, Toronto Photographer’s Workshop, Toronto, selected by the curator ,
1996 Instructors 2, Ottawa School of Art, unjuried, Ottawa,
1995 Selections from the City of Ottawa Corporate Collection, City Hall, Ottawa, Jury selection of the purchased work
1993   Site Survey Photographs, CMCP Ottawa. selected by the curator,
1993  Axe - Neo - 7, Hull Que. "Ex-Site", Jury selection
1992 Margaret Cameron Gallery, Ottawa, selected by the gallery,
1992  "Picture a Place", Artscourt Gallery, Ottawa., selected by the curator , 1992 
1992  " New Acquisitions ", Ottawa City Hall, Jury selection of the purchased work
1991 Margaret Cameron Gallery, Ottawa , selected by the gallery
1990   " Public Exposures: One Decade " Toronto Photographer's Workshop. Toronto, selected by the curator
1990  " Modern Narratives ", Gallery 44, Toronto., Ann Beiner, David Buchan,
Carole Conde & Karl Beveridge, Justin Wonnacott, selected by the curator 
1989 " Transart ‑ The Bus Project ", an exhibition of artworks designed to exploit the advertising context of the transoms on OC Transpo vehicles. Continued for one year in a multiple of 200., selected by the curator 
1988  " Ober de Grenzen ", Arti et Industrie, Den Haag, Holland.,1988 selected by the curator,
1988  " Snakes in the Garden ", Artscourt, Ottawa.1988   selected by the curator
1988 " Selections from the Ottawa Corporate Collection ",Artscourt, Ottawa. selected by the curator  ,
1988    " Documentary Styles ", Burlington Cultural Centre,Burlington, Ontario., selected by the curator 
1986  " Circa 86 ", Festival for the Arts , Ottawa., selected by the curator
1985  " Art in Situ ", Festival for the Arts, Ottawa., selected by the curator
1984  " Ten Ottawa Photographers ", SAW Gallery , Ottawa., Jury selection
1983   " Latitudes and Parallels ", Winnipeg Art Gallery,(circulating), Jury selection , Macdonald‑Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Laurentian University Sudbury, Thunder Bay National Exhibition Centre Thunder Bay, Mendel Art Gallery Saskatoon, Glenbow Museum Calgary, Beaverbrook Art Gallery Fredericton.,
1983  " Six Ottawa Photographers ", Gallery 101, Ottawa. Jury selection,
1983 " Landsites " Toronto Photographer's Workshop. Toronto. selected by the curator 
1982 Constitution day... la journee de la constitution ",(circulating), Ottawa, Saskatoon, Montreal., collectively organized by the artists
1980 " Focus 80 ", NAPA circulating show.,  committee selection
1980 " The last pool hall/snooker art exhibition ", Capital Poolroom Ottawa., by invitation  "
1979  Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, Ontario. by invitation,
1975  " Exposure ", Art Gallery of Ontario, ( circulating ) Jury selection.,
1974  " Exposure 74 ", Kitchener‑Waterloo Art Gallery. Jury selection.

Public art commissions
2003 – City of Ottawa , A commission for a new work titled “compass rose” on the north end of the Waller Pedestrian Mall at Rideau and Waller Street and the redesign and refabrication of  an earlier work titled “ … from a campers diary.” which was destroyed in 1999. Polished black barre granite with image, grey barre granite.
2001 – Light Rail Transit project for OC transpo. A digital photomontage on transparent film approximately 5x 3.5 feet installed in a freestanding backlit illuminator , Jury Selection
1998- Dovercourt Recreation Centre , Ottawa Ontario, This digital work is titled “voice over” and is eight photomontages and text , Jury selection
1992-97  Competition winner for Rideau Street redevelopment project, responsible for artworks and integrated design work on entire area affected. Jury selection 
1992   Metro hall, Toronto. Four  8 1/2  foot x 3 foot photomurals, full colour., Jury selection 
1991-2  Competition winner. Ottawa Ballet, 21 foot long monochrome photomural and framing.., Jury selection 
1989  Competition winner. City of Ottawa. Hintonburgh community centre, full colour sectioned 2 x 3 meter photomural. Jury selection

While working on the Rideau Street redevelopment project I was responsible for the research and typography of six  texts I had a contractor enameled into the plate glass walls of three bus shelters on the street. These bilingual texts which refer to events chosen to give  pedestrians a sense of  time and place to contrasts with the street today.  These texts refer to a dog named Patto, lost by its owner in 1836, the Arch Riot and an extraordinary display of northern lights seen locally in the 19th century.

Curatorial projects
2002 – Roundabout a curatorial collaboration – Lorraine Gilbert as participant . This exhibition hosted the Toronto Contact Festival 2002 launch. The exhibit was curated by the artists themselves after Patrick Macaulay selected  David Hlynsky. David Hlynsky chose Justin Wonnacott who chose Lorraine Gilbert who chose Susan Maceachern who chose Robert Bean who chose Vid Ingelevics who finally chose Alex Homanchuk. There is a website with online texts devoted to this site at http://www.aregeebee.net/show.

1994   "Alliances - the family/la famille".  At the CMCP in Ottawa. This touring exhibition examined the idea of family as seen by 32 contemporary  photographers broadly grouped by intention into the categories of portraiture, documentary and narrative and artists investigations. While employed by the museum  I researched all the relevant holdings in the collection and solicited submissions from over 150 artists in Canada and the USA before I selected the artists and the work to be exhibited. I developed the organizational rationale and structure of the exhibition, the title, the design and layout of the works in the galleries, and wrote the introductory texts, accompanying texts for each segment for the exhibition as well as  biographies and appreciations of the work for all the artists.  I am grateful to the director of the museum, Martha Hanna for her advice and support in carrying out this project, for it was she who initiated the commitment of CMCP to an exhibition dealing with the family many years ago.

1992    "Silver Anchors / for new boats", Artscourt Gallery Ottawa. This exhibition of work by Isaac Applebaum, Marc Audette, Douglas Clark and Cheryl Sourkes addresses contemporary methods and issues in photography in relation to the broader practice of visual art. The artworks on display emphasize the artist’s usage of the photographic image as having inherent meaning in addition to the simple facts represented.

1991    "Messages Sent/Received", SAW Gallery, Ottawa  , an exhibition of 7 photographers using work that addresses issues of social or personal conscience without using traditional documentary methods.  Artists :  Raymonde April, Robert Bean, David Rasmus, Alison Rossiter,  DianaThorneycroft‑Pura, Susan McEachern and Vid Ingelevics.

1990    " Silver ", Ottawa School of Art Gallery, Ottawa. This is an exhibition of the best (read most coherent) work produced by the students enrolled in our photo programme. A brief text and brochure  outlined the goals of the programme and attempted to differentiate between the various instructors approaches as interpreted by the students.

1989    " Photographing Culture ", an exhibition of work by Douglas Curran (Can.) examining  twelve years of production concentrating on his anthropological methodology and his own documentary practice.  The exhibition consisted of 60 images from his three most significant portfolios with text panels by the artist and a supporting essay by me of approximately 2000 words.

1988    " Tijd en Afstand ", Kijkhuis, Den Haag, Holland.  This was an exchange exhibition of photography and video with this Dutch artists center that presented photo based installation work by Claude Philippe- Benoit and Richard Nigro . The challenges contained in their work were an appropriate way to address a foreign  gallery context and their  audience as colleagues with similar interests and goals to the originating institution (SAW). The catalogue contains a preface , an introduction to each artist, extensive quotes  by them and photographs of other works not on exhibit. Clive Roberstson, SAW Gallery director wrote an essay and historical overview of the video co‑operative at SAW gallery which was included in the same catalogue.
1988    " Real Ideas... cast shadows ", SAW Gallery Ottawa. An exhibition of photogram work by Nina Levitt and Susie King. This exhibition was the result of an artistic "fishing expedition" to see who was producing serious work within this methodology. All of the respondents were women (14) and the show compared the work of two women with very different aesthetics and goals.

Special Projects
In 1990 I worked under the direction of Ann Thomas ( the  curator responsible for the Lisette Model exhibition) as a technician  for three and a half months . I made contact prints of a large portion of Lisette Model's extant negatives and about 100 enlargements  from the original negatives for the photographic study collection at the NGC. More than thirty of these prints are reproduced in the NGC catalogue “ Lisette Model “ .by Ann Thomas.

In 1992 I was the artist connected with the Rideau  Street redevelopment project and was a full member of the design team responsible  for determining the appearance of the reclaimed street. The artworks I created for this commission were all made with digital tools.

Current researches:
Refining and adding to my body of  photo based work that visually refers to the art history of political photomontage , popular advertising and design.

Investigating popular photographic practice and the emergence of the online searchable archive as a potential art medium.

Exploring the portrait as a constructed image.

Collating and researching a large archive of pictures of artworks on public display in the National Capital Region for a book. This body of work  is a personal look at some ideas and issues posed by these works that is primarily intended to form a visual critique which also has a documentary dimension too. This project  is in its 4th year.

Continuing to photograph of all the buildings on Somerset street between Wellington street and Bank street and organizing the images for an online archive.

Workshops , presentations given
- Bytown Museum, online project and presentation , 2009
- University of Ottawa 2008
- Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary Alberta, President’s Scholar Residency, 5 days , March 2008
- SAW Gallery
- Gallery 101
- Canadian Artist’s Representation
- City of Ottawa
- Camera Canada College 1998
- Photographers’ Gallery 1992, 1986, 1979
- St Lawrence University , NY, USA , 2001
- Ottawa School of Art - various

Teaching Experience
University of Ottawa
2009 -2010 photo 1331c, 1331b
2008 -2009 photo 1331c, 1331b 3094 and 3092.,
2007 -2008 photo 1331c, 1331 and  second semester of 3032,
2007- 2006 , Photo 1331-A,
2005 photo 1331A, Photo 1331C in the visual arts programme, fall
2002 photo 1331C in the visual arts programme.
Ottawa School of Art,
Spring 2002 – fall 1999  (many courses, i.e. diploma photo, History of Photography, digital image making)
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Spring 2000 photo 3400 and 2000
Ottawa School of Art
Fall 1999 – fall 1988 without interruption (many courses, photography diploma, general interest, )
Carleton University
1987 Winter Continuing Education Program, photo

Relevant education and experience

I am a self taught artist without formal academic training, (I attended the University of Western Ontario for a brief period in 1971 but withdrew without graduating.). I have been photographing since 1973 and studying art, photography and the history of photography seriously since 1979. I began to teach 20 years ago.

Early in my career I acquired much of my technical knowledge through work opportunities and experience. My first employer in Ottawa was a large photographic firm with a general practice. The owner gave me unrestricted access to the cameras and darkrooms which taught me a great deal. The constant exposure to the busy traffic in pictures at the company was also an important part of my learning experience at Photo Features in 1974-5.  After leaving the firm in 1975 I worked as a photo journalist (I held a House of Commons press card for the years 1975 and 1976) and photographed assignments for a variety of clients including the Toronto Star, Canadian Press, Maclean’s Magazine and other publications.  As well, I made photographs for corporate and government clients including,  the National Gallery, The Office of the Governor General, The Canada Council Art Bank, Moishe Safdie, Canada Post, Phototheque, and many others. In the early 80’s I worked part time in the audio visual industry to support myself while I was engaged in creative work. I have a wide technical foundation in the tools and procedures including: studio and location work with electronic strobes and view cameras, photojournalism, optical printer and animation stand work, display and exhibition printing in black and white and colour for commercial clients , fine art printing for other artists, custom colour printing and a brief period of work as a photographic laboratory manager.

My decision to shift to digital technologies came in 1992 when I began using digital tools and computer software as an essential part of my creative process. I have maintained at least one website continually since then. I first exhibited work made with digital tools in 1993, and began teaching others how to use these tools at the Ottawa School of Art in 1997.

Published writing:
2009  “Go – Print – Screen, The Public Domain and Digital Prints” Catalogue essay for Voix Visuelle Exposition Internationale d’estampes numérique miniature.
2001,“Radiolarian life, the parts of a flower and the Philosopher’s stone” for Boreal Art/Nature A text regarding the online web artworks of Lorraine Gilbert and AE  (Stephane Claude and Gisele Trudel. ,
1999 “Interface - a review” Blackflash Magazine , Spring,
1997 “All that glitters ...” Mix Magazine Fall
1996 The globe that was flat..., Justin Wonnacott, Blackflash, Summer,
1996 File not Found , Blackflash, Fall
1994 "Alliances - the family", Texts to accompany the exhibition of the same name published by C.M.C.P.,  16pp stapled.,
1994 – Quarry Magazine,Volume 43, #3 Alliances – photo essay and introduction.
1991 "Sometimes you have to wear a suit ..." Proceedings of the City of Ottawa "role of the Artist in Public Art " Symposium(paper ).,
1991."Messages sent and received" ,essay SAW news Jan,
1990 Belief and Culture, Justin Wonnacott, Published by Alberta College of Art,
1989.,In Defense of the Hairlight, TPW Views, Fall,

Selected Reviews, Catalogues, Notations
2009 –  “Words , Money, Pictures” Online Interview with Tony Fouhse – http://tonyfoto.com/drool/2009/10/25/words-money-pictures/
2009 –  “Justin Wonnacott: Somerset” Review by Katy Levan – Voir weekly, Drool Blog http://tonyfoto.com/drool/2009/06/14/stuff-information/ , Kathleen Petty CBC Radio interview July 2009 http://cbc.ca/ottawa/media/audio/ottawamorning/20090615somersetphotos.ram
2009–  “Justin Wonnacott: Somerset” Catalogue, Essay by Christoper Davidson imp Bytown Museum 108pp
2009– “Tract” ,  Ottawa Art Gallery quarterly , Spring 2009  pp16-17 “cornucopia” re New Acquisitions
2008– “Collections” ,  Ottawa Art Gallery book dealing  with contemporary art, Emily Falvey,
2008– “Evidence - The Ottawa City Project” ,  x, Ottawa Art Gallery, curator Emily Falvey, Fall 2008
2008 – Justin Wonnacott, “The fish list/ I remember and I forget”  , Vie des Arts Magazine , summer By Lori Beaman
2006 – “The Street” ,  “On Tour” traveling exhibitions publicity materials for the NGC/CMCP
2006 – Ottawa City Journal , cover banner and 1 page article by Patricia Lonergan, Nov 22
2005  - Ottawa Citizen, coverage re Karsh Award
2005 – Voir, Dec 15 par Line Dezainde
2005 –Ottawa Express , cover and feature Review  by Anita Eutaneier vol12,#31
2004  The Bigger Picture – Portraits from Ottawa, catalog published by the Ottawa Art Gallery, CV issue #62  ,
2003, The Bigger Picture – Ottawa Art Gallery texts by Karen Love,.
2002 Roundabout brochure – Introduction by Patrick Macaulay, York Quay Gallery Harbourfront and statement by David Hlynsky.. Entire texts can be read online at http://www.aregeebee.net,
2000 McLelland and Stewart “Canadian Encyclopedia 2000 edition”  - mention and references to my work in the essay concerning Public Art, essay by Annalee Adair.,
1998 Spring Visual arts insert, The Globe and Mail May 16, Dan Falk,
1997 Manoeuvres – Regional Representation in the Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa Art Gallery , text by Diane Genier.. Selected Photographs from The Collection, Text by Susan Close, City of Ottawa
1996 Digital Reflections, Rafael Goldchain, Blackflash Spring,
1995, Family Stories, Susan Close, Blackflash, Spring ,
1995  Like Smoke through a Keyhole - David Hlynsky, Blackflash summer ,
1995  Canadian Art, Fast Forward, Ontario, Winter,
1992, "Picture a place" , Artscourt Gallery
1992, Blackflash, Interview with Julian Mills and images.
1991 Public Exposures‑ One Decade. TPW 1991.,
1990 In Review: Justin Wonnacott at SAW Gallery, Hamish Buchanan, TPW VIEWS 1990., Modern Narratives by April Hickox. Gallery 44, 1990,
1989 Telling Pictures...Students, Thieves, Voyeurs,  Clive Robertson, SAW News, Snakes in the Garden, Gary Mainprize, 
1988 Artists and their Work , broadsheet, Art gallery of Ontario Extension Services, 1988., "Next to the cash... " Connie Hitzeroth TPW Views 1988, Traveling exhibitions catalogue, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography.(For "Keep this place"), Documentary Styles (broadsheet) Burlington Art Gallery, James Chambers and Andrew Danson. .
1985  " Art in Situ ", Festival for the Arts, Ottawa.,
1985 -  Blackflash, Winter , Vol3, #4
1983  Latitudes and Parallels, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Shirley Madill,
1980 Camera Canada – daguerreotypes
1975 Exposure catalogue , Art Gallery of Ontario.

I have maintained a constant presence on the web since 1992 .
Http://fotoclass2.typepad.com  is a current tool for my 3rd year course in the winter of 2008.
Http://aregeebee.typepad.com/fotoclass is a large blog for my students in Photo 1331. This site was built as a resource and an interactive tool. The fotoclass blog contains course information, assignments, technical texts and resources that I have written and extensive written material to help students with various issues that are relevant to the course as I teach it. I wrote and illustrated all of it with some minor exceptions that are noted. There are over 100 pages available from the site.
http://somersetstreet.com is a blog of photographs and details of a large number of buildings on Somerset street west.
Http://www.aregeebee.net  an obsolete site which remains as the front door to the roundabout exhibition at
Http://www.aregeebee.net/show and to photographs of public art at http://aregeebee.net/pages/justinp.htm
Http://Dawndale.com and Http://shanleung.com are web documents I photographed and created for clients
Http://www.aregeebee.net/vegetables is a joint project with my daughter.

Awards/ Grants

2009 – inducted as a member of the Royal Canadian Academy (RCA), 2008, Alberta College of Art and Design , President’s scholar’s residency, 2005 – Malak and Yousuf Karsh award City of Ottawa, 2004 – City of Ottawa, senior artist grant, Daimon, Research and Creation Residency, april 2004 – sept 2004, City of Ottawa – 2003 – (shared , heritage grant, Canada Council, 1991,1990,1986,1979. (all peer review),Ontario Arts Council, 1989,1986,1984,1980. (all peer review),Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton,1990 (peer review),OAC exhibition assistance 2002 (committee)


Canada Council Art Bank, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Canadian Public Archives, Carleton University Art Gallery, City of Ottawa, Metro Toronto Public Art Commissions, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa Ballet, Private collections, Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton, Toronto Photographer’s Workshop, Winnipeg Art Gallery

Community work and related activities

I have volunteered a great deal of time over the years in my capacity as an artist  and as an advocate for arts issues in  the City of Ottawa.  I am a past member of the Ottawa Municipal Art Gallery Advisory committee. past member of the Visual Arts Advisory Committee for the City of Ottawa., past member Ottawa Municipal Cultural policy task force., past trustee for SAW Gallery,  a temporary trustee for the Ottawa School of Art and a hard working founder of Gallery 101.

It has also been my privilege to serve on peer review committees or to be a juror  for:
the Canada Council photo programme once., the Ontario Arts Council photo programme 5 times.,the Ontario Arts Council visual arts programme twice.,the Ontario Arts Council institutional advisory panel twice.,the RMOC visual arts programme twice.,the City of Ottawa public art commissions juries four times, the NSCAD MFA portfolio review once, candidate evaluations for the Visual Arts programme at the University of Ottawa three times and several artist run centre exhibition programmes.